You may download the full application to by hand, or you may complete the application online. Click one of the buttons below to begin the application process.

Note, you will still need to submit two recommendation forms completed by someone other than a relative. You can access those forms by clicking the button above.
Recommendation forms MUST be mailed into our office regardless if submitting an application online. Person’s filling out the forms need to mail the forms directly to our office.
TSCRF scholarship applications are available the first week of September via the Cattle Raisers Museum website,
The TSCRF Scholarship is for one year only. Recipients can re-apply each year that they are eligible; however, they are not guaranteed to receive future scholarships.
Yes, you can reapply the following year.
Application due dates are determined each year based on the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association convention dates therefore, the due date varies a little each year. Generally, the applications are due the first week of February. Check the deadline date on the website and on the application form.
Your application can be submitted via our website (along with required documents) or via mail. Regardless of how the application is submitted, all applications are due in our office by the deadline date provided on the application. If mailing, please be sure to mail it so that we receive it by the due date; postmarks WILL NOT be accepted. Any applications and supplemental forms received after the application due date WILL NOT be accepted.
No. Recommendation forms MUST be mailed to our office regardless if submitting your application and all other required documents on-line. Person(s) filling out the form can either mail directly to our office or they may place in a sealed, signed envelope to be included with the applicant’s packet. IMPORTANT: If the recommendation forms are returned by the applicant and are not in a sealed envelope, signed by the individual providing the recommendation, the recommendation forms will not be accepted, and the application will be deemed incomplete and your application will not be considered.
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that their recommendation forms are returned to the office by the application due date. Only two recommendation forms are required, however it is strongly recommended that you ask more than two individuals to submit a recommendation to ensure that we receive at least the required two. If we do not receive the required two, the application packet will be deemed incomplete and will not be considered for a scholarship.
No. The recommendation forms ask for specific information in addition to the written recommendation. The recommendation form must be completed. A letter of recommendation can be included in addition to the completed recommendation form.
No. The Association and the Foundation are two separate entities with two separate addresses. If you mail or drop off your packet at the TSCRA office, this will cause a delay in your packet being received in our office with no guarantee that we will receive it by the deadline date. The date we receive the packet is the date we receive it in our (the Foundation) office. If it is not received by the deadline date in our office, it will not be considered.
Our address is 1600 Gendy Street, Fort Worth TX 76107. Our address is also included on the application as well as the recommendation forms.
No. If you are not a TSCRA member you are required to be sponsored by a current TSCRA member and will need to include their information on the application.
You will need to check with people in your community (i.e. neighbors, church, school). We are unable to provide sponsors to you or provide information for TSCRA members in your area.
You will need to contact the TSCRA office to obtain your member number. We do not have access to that information. Additionally, if you are a Cattle Raisers Museum member this is not your TSCRA member number. The Cattle Raisers Museum is separate from the TSCRA.
It is fine to attach additional page(s) to your application should you need the additional room.
Recipients will receive notification via email the end of March. Email notification will be followed by a letter and certificate sent by mail.
All applicants that submitted a completed application packet (to include receipt of recommendation forms) and was not selected will receive a letter by mail the end of March.
If an incomplete application packet is received (to include non-receipt of recommendation forms), the packet is not considered, and no letter will be sent to the applicant.
No, the check will be sent in two equal payments to the university you will be attending and payment to the university will be dependent on verification that you are registered as a full-time student and that you are registered for the major designated on your application.
To receive the first payment for the fall semester, you will need to turn in the certificate you receive to the financial aid/scholarship office. The school will fill out the certificate and forward to our office, along with verification of full-time enrollment. Once we receive these items the first payment will be forwarded.
Upon completion of the fall semester, you will need to forward a copy of your grades to confirm you maintained the required gpa along with your class schedule for the spring to verify you are enrolled full time. Upon receipt of these items, the second payment will be forwarded to the school.
Be sure to include all required application materials. Applications missing any materials and/or not filled out completely will be deemed incomplete and will not be considered. You will not be notified if any materials are missing.
If mailing in your packet, please use paperclips rather than staples as multiple copies will need to be made of your application.
If printing out the application, please keep everything single sided – DO NOT PRINT OUT DOUBLE SIDED. Multiple copies of the application must be made and printing double-sided hinders the process. Same for recommendation forms please keep everything single sided. If you need additional room, DO NOT WRITE ON THE BACK OF APPLICATION OR RECOMMENDATION FORMS – ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS OF PAPER.
If filling out your application form to mail in, please be sure to use a pen and not a pencil. Multiple copies of the application packet need to be made and pencil does not show up well. Same for recommendation forms, pen needs to be used not a pencil.
We need to receive a color photo, preferably a headshot, with your application. A headshot would be a photo from mid-chest or shoulders up. Please make sure the photo is professional looking (not a lot of background such as a field or animals, for example) as the photo is being used in publications, signage, and social media. If you are submitting your application online; the photo needs to be a jpg format. If mailing your application, please include an actual photo with your application and write your name on the back of the photo. Photo size should be 4”x6” or 3”x5”. Please do not submit a photocopy of a picture (either online or by mail).
If mailing your packet, please send your packet in an 8 ½ x 10 envelope, no folding please. It is recommended to send your packet with delivery confirmation to verify delivery.
Most importantly, it is highly recommended that you complete the application process (whether on-line or mailing) as early as possible to avoid any delays in your application being received and possibly missing the deadline for all materials to be received in our office. This includes the recommendation forms, you should ask early for them to be filled out and returned, as well follow up with those you’ve asked to fill them out to confirm completed and mailed. Remember, all application materials must be received in our office by the deadline date provided on the application. Being postmarked the day before but not received until after the deadline date is not acceptable. It will be deemed an incomplete application and will not be considered for a scholarship. We cannot anticipate delays (i.e. weather, mail delivery) so plan early to ensure all materials arrive in time.
Please do not call the office to inquire if we received your application. Due to the high volume of scholarship packets received we are unable to provide individual confirmation of the receipt of the packet
and/or supporting documents.