School Field Trips
Field Trips to the Cattle Raisers Museum and the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History are available year round, even during the summer.
To book a field trip, please contact the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History’s Group Services at 817-255-9440 during the hours of Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or at
Group rates are available with 15 or more students. To receive the group rate, you must book two weeks in advance.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, cash and personal or corporate checks are accepted.
General Field Trip Pricing Information
Start at $5 per student
15 students
Admitted Free
1 adult/6 kids
1 adult/10 students
$10 per person
$10 per vehicle in the Museum lot
15 students
Admitted Free
1 adult/6 kids
1 adult/10 students
$10 per person
$10 per vehicle in the Museum lot
Admission Fees:
Group Minimum:
Required Chaperones:
Pre-K and Kindergarten:
1st-12th Grades:
Additional Chaperones:
Parking Fees:
Group Minimum:
Required Chaperones:
Pre-K and Kindergarten:
1st-12th Grades:
Additional Chaperones:
Parking Fees:
Please note: Students must be accompanied by chaperones at all times.